Women’s Real Period Problems. Not Overly Dramatic, Just True.

So. Without any doubt or thought at all, I’ve decided to share some personal thoughts and experiences with periods.

  To start this off, pad commercials these days are all about how thin and discrete pads are. Pushing the fact that NOBODY will ever know you’re wearing them, except you. Well, how about they make the packaging whiter? Am I right people?! There’s nothing discrete about them when the whole world can hear you opening the package. Even if you slowly try to open it, it still sounds like you’re a kid who just got their favourite chocolate bar and is frantically ripping it apart like some savage beast. Some hillbilly or redneck people might suggest you go in the men’s washroom because they won’t expect it. Well that doesn’t help our case because it’s still awkward. “Who’s eating chips in here?”  

One time, I kid you not, I was PMS-ing so bad, I was grumpy, annoyed, and moody. I had to go out and get some groceries, which I really did not want to do. I felt that I was done with doing everything for myself,and frankly done with life. I drove up to the McDonald’s drive thru and ordered. The man at the window smiled and handed me my food and told me to have a nice day and to enjoy my meal. Tears filled my eyes and I gave him a weak smile. I pulled into the parking lot and I kid you not, I burst into tears because I thought he was the only one who cared about me. I was a mess. Crying, with tears spilling onto the front of my shirt all the while as I’m stuffing my Big Mac with extra Big Mac sauce with no mustard into my mouth. 

Another time, it was a similar situation. I was moody and grumpy and I walked up to the cash register with tampons, chocolate, a package of Swedish fish, chips, and a can of vitamin water to make me feel like I wasn’t just going home to pig out, that I had my daily amount of vitamins too! The man who was at the register just looked up at me with a sad look on his face …. “I’m sorry” he told me. 

One thing that annoys me the most is when men don’t think we have it a little bit worse.  It’d be fine if they just sucked their egos in, shut up and just agreed with us. Then they can go tell the rest if the world they have it worse. Then I would have gotten my answer and life would be great. When guys say getting hit in the testicles hurts way more than periods. Haha. Let’s just line up and I’ll hit you in the “balls” over and over for four days straight. Then we’ll see who says that. Or when people tell me “just because you’re on your period doesn’t mean you have to be a b**ch about it.” Well then. Dear (insert name here) just because you have a dick, doesn’t mean you have to be one. 

Here are 5 things some of you ladies will probably relate to. 

1. Waking up to a murder scene in your favorite panties.  

2. Being mad at everything. Including the sandwich you dropped on the ground.

3. Looking fat. No matter what you wear.

4. Laughing on your period and Satan’s flash flood goes through your pants unexpectedly.

5. You feel like a brand new person after your period is over without having to wear a pad or have a tampon in. 

I’m not saying that it’s always this bad, but there are those times when life pushes us down and we can’t help ourselves up because there isn’t enough blood left in our system… 

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