Falling off the Diet Wagon, Pulling it Into the Woods, Burning it, and Using the Insurance Money to Buy Chocolate.

So… I’ve been trying this sugar free stuff right. Eating healthy, exercising whenever I can… I was on the train and it was all going good. Until it didn’t.  I fell off. And it wasn’t a dainty fall where you trip, dust your pants off and get back on. Noooooo not at all. I was was on the wagon looking at the sights… and BAM. fell on my head. I hit the ground with a this so loud the wild creatures of the forest assumed the bear over by the spruce tree lost control of it’s manners and let one fly. 

I sent out for lunch the other day, nothing special, I just wanted a fancy salad. I was tired of making my own food so I said “screw it.” It was going good until I walked through the front doors and there was the buffet table basking in its glory. I ate the.whole.damn.table. everything . The chocolate dessert, a cheeseburger, some fancy pasta. Everything .  It’s not like I’m ashamed of it, I was hungry. I’m just disappointed about it. Don’t get me wrong, the food was great. But I’m just a greedy pig. I’m such a greedy Ba*tard.  A greedy, fat ‘ole ba*tard. I can feel the food talking to me.  “Ciiiindyyyy, come eat me Cinddyyy. I won’t change the number on your scale or make you depressed.  Come eat meeee” I think that’s what wrong with me. I have greedy-f*cking-itus. I can’t control myself. And it keeps happening!  

Help, I’ve fallen, and can’t get up! 

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